Friday, January 2, 2015

WOOOWEEEE Cold Cold morning on The Homestead. The last two mornings have been below zero but they are saying by this time next week we should be getting close to 40 during the day. That will be Great ! We had a nice New Years dinner with KDee Jo , Tim,  Lil’ TNT, and Kevy D.  at there place last night. I just fired up the forge and getting ready to pound out some knives. It has been so cold the last couple of day’s that we pretty much sat in front of the fire and did some carving. Even Miss Kitty is starting to do some wood carving. After I pond out some knives I am going to start laying some rock for the hearth around the wood stove and build some shelving. So nothing to exciting going on around here right now.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

It has been a few day’s since we did a blog so here we go…This Morning it was 5 below zero on The Homestead and the high today is 24 brrrrrrr. We had a Wonderful  Christmas this year. I would have to say it was the best Christmas we have had in a Long Long time. It was just a Very Wonderful Day. It was great to have some little kids for Christmas again. Little Tucker was to funny and we could not believe that at 6 months old he was Loving unwrapping presents. We also had Karra Lee’s Boyfriend 9 year old daughter Saleen with us and we really enjoyed watching her open her presents . Her Grandma showed up a little latter and we over heard her tell her Grandma “You missed it Grandma it was the best Christmas ever ! “ YES !!! That was a Great Feeling. We had all our kid’s and Miss Kitty’s folks too it was Great. And then we had Ham, Roast and lots of Homemade pies. I Hope You all had a Wonderful Christmas to.
Christmas eve it started snowing and continued for about 3 days so we have a good 8 or 10” on the ground. I will take the snow but the last couple of days the wind was blowing and ended up making some huge snow drifts . Yesterday we used Kevy D’s truck to run into town and after going across the creek headed off the Homestead the bottom of the Earth fell out and ended up nose first in the snow. When I jumped out of the truck I sunk almost up to my waist “HOLY CRAP !” So now I have Kevy D’s truck stuck and The Beast Broke down .GREAT!  Had Ol’ Red try to pull me out with his little 4x4 but no luck. About then Kevy D. shows up in his car and starts laughing at me and of course he has to take LOTS of pictures of this. Anyway we were supposed to be up the mountain to look at some property that Kitty’s folks are looking at. So thank the Good Lord for the great people we have in our lives Kevy d called our friends Dave and Linda and they headed over to pull us out. Kevy D. had this under control so we said see ya later. LoL! And headed up the mountain so as we come up the highway to the property we notice Kitty’s folks car sitting in a weird area to park so we pull up as close as we can and You guessed it Marshal is sitting in the front seat with a big ol’ smile on his face and I said “R U Stuck ?” YEP. Hahahahaha  CRAP !!! So we get out and start trying to push it out. Yea right, about that time a Ol’ Boy pulls over a little down the road never says a word drops the gate on the trailer and pulls a little Cat front end loader out drives over to the other side of the car scoops some snow the backs up open’s the little door throws out a chain we all look at each other hmmmmm COOL. Marshal walks up and asks the Ol’ Boy did you stop for us and the Ol’ Boy chuckles a little and said he has some roads to plow…But I Probably would have stopped anyway. We could not believe it so he pulled the car out and Marshal walked over to give him some money for the help and again he never said another word pulled his chain back in the door shook his head no waved and drove off. When we came back down the mountain at the same time all of this was going on Mackenzie Kevy D’s girlfriend T boned a guy who ran a stop sign. Thank God she is ok but her car is totaled. Very Scary ! So yesterday was a little crazy.

I need to get my hind quarters to work so that is all I got for now. We wish you all a Very Happy New Year ! Be careful  out there

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas Eve Morning!  A couple of days ago we started blogging again and now decided to post the blog’s on our facebook page too. So for the last couple of days we have been very busy catching up on some chores now that the rain has stopped. Our creek is still just roaring and we did get some flooding on the lower end of The Homestead. We were so happy it did not freeze before the water receded or we would have had a huge skating rink. Monday we went with KDee Jo, Tim and Lil’ Tucker to his Baby check up and just like we already knew he is perfect. After that we did some treasure hunting and thrift storing scored a few things but it was pretty much slim pick’ns. Yesterday I worked on the little truck trying to figure out what is wrong with it. Still not sure what its problem is and the big truck has totally went bonkers and it is all electronic crap so I am not sure if I will be able to fix that one so at this time we still have no running vehicles errrrrr. Thank the Good Lord we make most of our living here on The Homestead. On a lighter note I finished a few knives and started sawing up some of the lengths of wood we have piled up for firewood. Miss Kitty has been so busy shipping packages out the last couple of weeks that she has hardly had time to wrap any presents so today she gets to put on her elf hat and wrap away. Lil’ Tucker has sure renewed our Holiday Season. For the last few years it has just been a real drag. Ought oh here comes some Hillbilly Philosophy… As you get older and realize that just because someone is family does not mean you have to like them or be around them and that is a Beautiful thing BUT it does come with a price. Life is short and I do miss spending time with my Grandma ,Mom ,Aunts and Uncles.

 But Then we have our wonderful kids and a long comes Lil’ Tucker Like a Breath of Fresh Mountain Air. This year he will probably be more entertained by the wrapping paper than anything else but how fun is that… I just Love it! It is a neat thing to move away and start new traditions that Lil’ Tucker will remember like I remember some of the Traditions from my childhood up until just a few years ago. Most of them are by the wayside now and I guess that is just part of life. And as the old traditions go away the new ones begin. That My Friends is a Beautiful Thing. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

WOOHOO !!!! The Rain has stopped ! For Now. Our Creek is Running Like a Wild River
In all my years I do not ever remember it raining for so long. It has been raining pretty much non-stop for almost a week straight. I am thinking about building a Ark just in case. We woke up this morning with flooding on the lower part of the property in DECEMBER ! The Creek is running full bore right now and then they are saying it should start freezing by Christmas. Lord I Hope Not ! So that is some of the trials and tribulations going on right now. A couple of other not so fun things that are going on right now at this time is we do not have a running vehicle. Our little truck has been down for a couple of weeks I think it is the starter AGAIN but yesterday the Ol’ Reliable Ford would not start. Not sure yet what it’s problem is I think the fuel pump or a injector is out. With the rain I have been trying to figure it out off and on all day. Thank The Good Lord we make most of our living here on The Homestead or we would be in trouble. So then KDee Jo, Tim and Lil’ Tucker come by to use the trailer to go the dump and when they go to leave there Jimmy will not start and I think the starter is out on it AGAIN. LoL !!! Needless to say this is one of them day’s we should have all just stayed in bed. 
HELLO AMERICANS AND OTHER FRIENDS AROUND THE WORLD...We have not blogged since we moved on to The Homestead. And then we just kind of forgot about it until a couple of day's ago. So lets see if Miss Kitty and I can keep this thing going. We are going to try to use it as a daily log and diary of what is going on around the homestead.